Are you depressed? This depression quiz may help

Are you depressed? This depression quiz may help

Depression is a medical problem

Have you been experiencing some of or all the following symptoms over a period of time:

* Depressed mood

*Loss of interest or pleasure in all activities including job, family life, hobbies or sex.

*Weight loss or gain

*Sleep disturbance

*Feeling agitated or slow down

*Lack of energy

*Feeling worthless

*Loss of concentration

*Thoughts of death or suicide.
If you experience at least FIVE of the above symptoms (these should include the first two) consistently for two weeks or more, you may have depression. It is a medical condition and you need to see a doctor even if there is no visible illness of the brain or psychiatric illness.

To know more about depression, also visit:


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1 Comment

  1. Emira
    March 27, 18:40 Reply
    Actually, we can say depression is a medical condition because it involves interplay of hormones such as adrenaline which could interfere with other basic hormones

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