Ghanaian doctors suspend strike

Ghanaian doctors suspend strike

Ghanaian doctors

Ghanaian doctors

The Ghana Medical Association (GMA) has announced the suspension of the 3-week strike by doctors in the country over working conditions. The strike which was suspended on Friday had paralysed outpatient and emergency services at state-run hospitals in all parts of the country.
In a Press statement last Friday, the GMA said it was continuing talks with the governnent to come up with a better salary package for medical staff.
“The ongoing withdrawal of out-patient and emergency services by members of the GMA is suspended,” from 08:00 GMT on Monday, the statement said.
Like other labour unions in the country, GMA says that salaries in Ghana are being undermined by inflation of nearly 18% and calls for a salary increase to cushion the effects on medical staff. The government however insists it would not be pressurised into spending more than had been budgeted for the year.
All Ghanaians can have access free state healthcare if they register with The National Health Insurance Authority.

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