NHO Diabetes Portal opens!

NHO Diabetes Portal opens!

So you have diabetes? You are not alone!
NHO Diabetes Portal
Have you been told by your doctor that you have diabetes? This could be devastating news for most people. But you know what? You are not alone. The Diabetes Association of Nigeria (DAN) estimates that about 4-6 million people in this country are living with diabetes. Also, according to the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA), no fewer than 40,000 Nigerians died from the disease in 2015.
You are indeed lucky to have discovered that you have diabetes. This means you can quickly do something now and begin to live normally and in good health. Several Nigerians are not so lucky. Because of its silent nature, many people with diabetes are not aware they have the disease until they develop complications such as heart attack, stroke, blindness, kidney failure, lower limb amputation and death. Indeed, There are a large number of people, over one million Nigerians, who have diabetes but are yet to be diagnosed or treated. For others, about 3.8 million people, they are on the verge of developing diabetes because they live with impaired glucose tolerance – a pre-diabetic condition and can only prevent the condition if they get tested and are given the right information on the way to stop the condition right on its track.
Experts say the prevalence of diabetes mellitus is on the increase globally and it is increasing more rapidly in developing countries, including Nigeria.
What manner of disease?
WHO describes diabetes as a chronic, progressive non-communicable disease (NCD) characterized by elevated levels of blood glucose (blood sugar). It occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough of the insulin hormone, which regulates blood sugar, or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces.
In short, you have diabetes because your pancreas is not producing enough insulin to allow blood sugar which functions like fuel that gives you the energy to carry on your daily routines. Experts say blood glucose or blood sugar Glucose comes from digesting carbohydrate and is also produced by the liver. Thus, if you have diabetes, it means your body cannot make proper use of this glucose so it builds up in the blood and can’t be used as fuel.
This is however not the end of the world for you. With a change of lifestyle, such as choosing healthier foods, becoming more physically active and adhering to your doctor’s advice on your medications, you are already on your way to a successful control of your diabetes.
NHO Diabetes Portal 2
What’s more, by visiting this portal on a regular basis, you will be adequately informed on the best way to live positively with the condition.
Nigeria Health Online is working frantically towards helping you to control your diabetes. A well known diabetologist/endocrinologist will soon be on hand to answer all you questions while also providing you with vital tips you will need on a daily basis to prevent complications. Other Nigerians living with diabetes will also be sharing their experience on this forum to encourage you. There will be regular news reports, updates, medication tips nutrition guide, all tailored towards ensuring that diabetes does not stop you from living an active and healthy life.
Welcome on board.

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