Tag "NOA"

Experts worry over decline in Covid-19 vaccination

As latest statistics put Lagos at just 27% of 18m targeted adults With just 27% of 18 million adults who have received covid-19 vaccination in Lagos, medical experts have expressed

Why mothers must pay attention to child’s first 1000 days

Neonatal deaths responsible for nearly 40% of overall deaths of children under five Medical experts have called on parents, mothers and expectant mothers to pay a special attention to the

Over 1.2m Nigerians from 40 are blind –  Optometric Association

Says 2.7m adults with moderate visual impairment Seeks proper implementation of Nat’l Eye Health Policy The National Optometric Association, NOA, has said that over 1.2 million people from 40 years


NEITI, NSIA and NOA partner on extractive revenue management

Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (NEITI), the Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority (NSIA) and the National Orientation Agency (NOA) have agreed to work together in the areas of oil revenue savings