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African Health Ministers reaffirm joint determination to regain impact on TB

 Pledge to minimize  impact of COVID-19 on TB services            African Health Ministers at the recently concluded 33rd ‘Stop TB Partnership’ Board Meeting  held virtually on

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Neglecting TB while fighting COVID-19 portends danger – Experts warn

Experts yesterday,  Monday September 7, decried the decline in tuberculosis (TB) control activities as the country concentrates all efforts towards  curtailing  the COVID-19 pandemic,  warning that  neglecting  TB could worsen

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World leaders budget US$ 13 billion yearly to fight TB

From Akin Jimoh, (DEVCOM) with Agency report NEW YORK – World leaders at the first-ever UN High-level meeting on TB, have agreed to mobilize US$ 13 billion a year by

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Buhari chairs Multi-Stakeholder Panel discussion

President Buhari at the UN yesterday   President Muhammadu Buhari is expected to serve as a Co-chair of the first Multi-Stakeholder Panel discussion at the United Nations High-Level Meeting (UN

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Global Health, Business Leaders Pledge Major Commitments to End Tuberculosis

25 September 2018 ¦ New York City – Ahead of the United Nations High-Level Meeting (UN HLM) on Tuberculosis (TB), global health and business leaders convened at the TB Innovation